The Six Marks of Leadership, Mark 1, “The Leader Shows Concern for God’s Work” (1:1-4)

Mark Dever promotes Four Aspects of Leadership in Nine Marks of a Healthy Church with the acrostic BOSS.

B=Boss. The leader “reproves, rebukes, and exhorts with all longsuffering and doctrine.”

There is a delicate balance in local churches between pastoral authority (Hebrews 13:17) and congregational authority (Matthew 18:15-17).  The pastor must exercise his authority to preach and lead for the congregation to fulfill its authority of approving correct doctrine and rejecting false doctrine (Gal 1:9). Nehemiah struck this balance. He followed his leader and he led his followers. We could say he exercised pastoral leadership by constantly communicating and motivating God’s people to do God’s will.

O=Out Front. Dever talks about one of the most feared generals in WWII. That general was the German tank commander Rommel, the ‘Desert Fox.’ When a battle involving his forces would begin, the word would go out, “Rommel in the lead.’ That message galvanized the troops to follow. Good leaders take the initiative.

I would prefer holding up Winston Churchill who led Great Britain against the Nazis. During his “wilderness years” (1929-39), Churchill saw and warned the world of the “gathering storm” of Hitler and Nazism before anyone else. He then saved Great Britain and the world from the Nazis. About Churhill’s speeches, it has been said: "He mobilized the English language and sent it into battle." Nehemiah also led by example as we shall see in Nehemiah 1-6. Paul commanded Timothy, the young pastor, “Let no man despise your youth, but be an example” (1 Tim 4:12a). Sometimes a young pastor will take a church with deacons old enough to be his father. What can he do? He can practice 1 Timothy 4:12 and win their confidence with his exemplary character and leadership. They will follow!

S=Supply. Leaders supply or equip their followers to become leaders as Paul practiced in 2 Timothy 2:2.

S=Serve the Lord. Christ came not to be served but to serve. Servant leadership is described in 1 Peter 5:1-4. The leader gives away every ministry possible to others so he can focus on what God has equipped him to best do which is to serve his people by serving them God's Word (Nine Marks of a Healthy Church, page 236).

Nehemiah was the BOSS when

1. He showed concern for God’s Work (Nehemiah 1:1-4)

2. He prayed for God’s people (Nehemiah 1:5-11)

3. He followed his leader (Nehemiah 1:11-2:8)

4. He motivates his followers (Nehemiah 2:9-20)

5. He organizes the work (Nehemiah 3:1-32)

6. He handles opposition (Nehemiah 4-6)

What is the Context for Nehemiah’s Leadership?

Under King Solomon, the nation of Israel was divided (1 Kings 3-11) in 931 BC because of disobedience (Deuteronomy 28; 30). The Northern Tribes because of disobedience were taken captive in 722 BC by Assyria. Next, the Southern Tribes because of disobedience were taken captive in 606, 507, and 586 BC by Babylon (2 Chronicles 36:19). God used three leaders to restore His people to the land and Himself (Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah):


538-515BC 483-473BC 458-456BC 444-425BC

Ezra 1-6 Book of Esther Ezra 7-10 Book of Nehemiah

First Return of Jews 58 Year Gap Second Return Third Return of Jews

Zerubbabel Ezra Nehemiah

Rebuilt the temple Reformed the people Rebuilt the Wall

Haggai preached in 520 BC Malachi preached in 450-430 BC

Zechariah preached in 520-518 BC

1. Zerubbabel was used by God to rebuild the temple in Ezra 1-6 in 538 BC.

2. Ezra was used by God to teach God’s word and reform the people in Ezra 7-10 in 458 BC. (See Ezra 7:6, 9-10)

3. Nehemiah the layman was used by God to rebuild the wall in Nehemiah 1-13 in 444 BC. These three men were very different. God knew which leadership styles and unique gifts and talents His people needed in their leaders at different stages of their lives. G. Campbell Morgan pastored Westminster Chapel and emphasized the Gospels in his preaching (see his Studies in the Gospels) (click to open). His associate, Martin Lloyd Jones, succeeded him. Jones believed that he followed Morgan because his passion for the Epistles would complement what Morgan had preached (see his sermons on Romans) (click to open). Their unique ministries gave the members a more balanced diet.

What Kind of Leader was Nehemiah?

A. Nehemiah was a layman. Nehemiah was not a preacher (prophet, priest, or king). Nehemiah worked a secular job (1:11 “the cupbearer) for the government of Persia. The cupbearer was an important advisory position to kings (Genesis 40:9-15; 41:9-13). James M. Boice described this position as "Chief of Staff" (Nehemiah, page 18) (click to open). The White House Chief of Staff is the highest-ranking member of the Executive Office of the President of the United States. He leads the executive staff and advises the President on policy. The office-holder has been dubbed "The Second-Most Powerful Person in Washington" due to the nature of the job. Nehemiah wielded the same kind of influence on his superior and exerted great spiritual influence as Joseph in Egypt and Daniel in Babylon.

B. Nehemiah was not only a layman but a volunteer. Nehemiah took a 12-year leave of absence without pay and volunteered to help rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He traded his soft bed in the palace in Susa, the capital of Persia for a sleeping bag in Jerusalem.

The local church today needs lay leaders like Nehemiah who volunteer in the Lord’s work. The local church cannot and should not hire professionals for every position in the church while the rest look on as spectators.

1. Leaders Show Concern for God’s Work (Nehemiah 1:1-4)

Nehemiah served under the Persia King, Artiaxerzzes I. Here are some of the more significant Persian kings:

A. Leaders must ask tough questions (1:1-2).

1) Nehemiah asked his brother who just returned from Jerusalem how his people were (1:1-2). The answers revealed that Jerusalem was both unprotected and in reproach to God.

In the question and answer, the word “escaped” is akin to one of Isaiah’s favorite expressions, ‘the remnant’—that little portion of Israel with whom the future was to lie. Nehemiah’s choice of words, echoed by his brother, may have been a conscious allusion to the promise of a ‘remnant’ and ‘survivors’, who would not merely escape destruction but ‘lean upon the Lord … in truth’ (Isa. 10:20–22). Kidner, D. (1979). Ezra and Nehemiah: An Introduction and Commentary (Vol. 12, p. 85). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

2) We must ask, “How is our church?” How is our family?” “How is our particular ministry?” “Are these ministries a reproach or a pleasure to God?”

B. Leaders respond to realistic answers (1:3).

Nehemiah’s brother informed Nehemiah that the walls were down and the people were in “great affliction and reproach” (1:3)

1) The walls down meant God’s people were unprotected physically (Deut 22:8) and spiritually (Isa 49:14-21). Not only could the enemies attack and conquer physically but they would also force their heretical views onto God’s people.

2) The walls down meant God’s people had no testimony (Psalm 50:2). Zion was no longer “the perfection of beauty.” The heathen were saying, “What kind of God can’t even keep the walls up around His city.” That is why Hanani said the people were in great reproach.

Followers identify problems. Leaders solve problems. It is easy to be critical. Leaders are concerned.

C. Leaders are concerned enough to get involved in the solution (1:4).

1) Nehemiah was not the last to weep over Jerusalem (Mt 23:37). Believers who do not get involved in the solution are like citizens who complain about their government but never vote. They have forfeited their right to complain.

2) Nehemiah was concerned enough to pray. For whom are you praying currently? The second mark of leadership is "He prays for God’s people" (Neh 1:5-11).