Here is a sermon evaluation form that can be used in internships and preaching classes.
Preacher Sermon Title Scripture
__________________ Date ________
I. Textual Faithfulness 1 2 3 4
A. Overall, was the sermon faithful to the text?
B. What was the MPS of the sermon?
C. What was the main divisions that developed the MPS?
II. Instruction 1 2 3 4
A. How did this sermon engage your mind?
B. Were you persuaded by the sermon’s MPS?
C. Was the passage adequately explained?
III. Communication 1 2 3 4
A. Movement
1. Introduction got my attention
2. Introduction laid foundation for the sermon
3. Did sermon have clear outline?
4. Sense of momentum?
B. Order and Unity
1. Main divisions developed
2. Organized progression to sermon
3. Illustrations subservient to truth
4. Transitions were clear
5. Was the sermon unified?
6. Length of sermon
IV. Delivery
A. Language and vocabulary
B. Voice inflection/volume/clarity
C. Eye contact
D. Pulpit presence
Take sermon notes at bottom to finish statements & questions below
1. Mention one positive
2. Mention one area of improvement