Answers to Twenty-five Advanced Salvation Questions

This is question number four: What is sacerdotalism?

Martin Lloyd-Jones defined sacerdotalism as “the notion that there is inherent efficacy in the sacramental act itself.”[1] Grudem defines sacerdotalism as the Roman Catholic view “that there is a special priesthood of ordained people within the church who have a special authority or ability to extend God’s grace to people in the church.”[2] Theopedia describes sacerdotalism: Sacerdotalism (from the Latin sacerdos - priest) is the belief in a priestly system where the priest has been given the special authority to act as a spiritual mediator between God and mankind. The Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and high Anglican traditions are sacerdotal. Although the priests are not supposed to be seen as better or more godly than others, their role in the sacraments of the church gives them a special "mediatorial" role, as representatives of the Church (Christ's body on earth) and thus of Christ. This is especially noticeable in the Roman Catholic confession, mass, and last rites.[3]

Paul 1 Timothy 2:5 stated that there is only “one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus," (1 Tim. 2:5). The Bible also teaches the priesthood of every believer in 1 Peter 2:9: “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” The priesthood of every believer is vitally tied to other Baptist Distinctives. The reason the priesthood of the believer follows a regenerate membership is that every believer has access to God because of regeneration (Rom 5:1-2). Every believer is a Believer Priest through whom God works (2 Pet 2:5, 9). Every believer is a Believer Priest with no human high priest which calls for congregational rule. Every believer is taught of God (1 John 2:27). Every believer offers the sacrifices of praise (Heb 13:15) money (Heb 13:16) and person (Rom 12:1-2).

[1] Martin Lloyd-Jones. Quoted by Kevin DeYoung: What is an Evangelical? in The Gospel Coalition March 5, 2009.

[2] Wayne Grudem. Systematic Theology, 950.

[3] Theopedia