You Can and Must STAND against the Devil

I read of a local satanic assembly that actually held all night prayer services, praying against the pastor of one church. This cult met in a house located directly behind the church. They even sent letters to the church telling them of their evil practice. The pastor, a great pulpiteer, soon left his wife. The Satan worshipers then left the area (Merida, Tony. Faithful Preaching (pp. 146-147). B&H Publishing. Kindle Edition).

Do you know Satan wants to defeat you and the closer you are to God the greater is Satan’s desire to destroy your testimony?

Paul uses the word “stand” three times in this passage in reference to standing against your greatest enemy.

So how can we stand against this fierce opponent? Paul concludes his letter to the Ephesians with three strategies for standing against our most deadly enemy.

1. By Depending on God’s Strength (Ephesians 6:10, 11a)

The Devil is powerful. Just read Job 1 and 2 where Satan took away Job’s wealth, ten children, and his health.

 I knew one preacher personally, we rode together to Bible College, who later committed suicide. I know two other preachers no longer in the ministry. I preached in their churches. Satan defeated them.  

God is more powerful. We believers have in us the same power that raised Christ from the grave according to Ephesians 1:19-20. Alexander McLaren wrote that Native Americans used to believe that the strength of their slain enemies whom they had scalped passed into their arms (Ephesians, pages 342). The power of our slain Savior passed to us when we trusted him as our savior.

How can we experience God’s strength? “Put on the whole armor of God.” Put on God’s spiritual equipment.

In Iron Man, billionaire Tony Stark puts on his powered suit of armor to protect the world. Without the suit, Tony Stark is a mere mortal. With the suit, he is superhuman. Iron Man can fly, shoot bullets, and throw flames. Can Tony Stark fly, and shoot bullets and flames? No! But in his powered suit of armor, he can. The armor of God can make us superhuman against Satan.

 2. By Knowing our Enemy (Ephesians 6:11b-13)

A. Our enemy is a liar. This is part of the wiles or the strategies of the devil. The devil is a liar. He lies to sinners, “You don’t have to get saved today.” He lies to believers, “You don’t have to surrender your all to Christ.”

B. Our enemy is not flesh and blood. Paul just finished talking about three important flesh and blood relationships: Husbands/wives; children/parents; and employees/employers. Our parents, our friends at school, and our enemies are all flesh and blood.

We don’t wrestle against flesh and blood BUT against the Devil’s army: “against principalities, etc….” These are the devil’s boots on the ground. These soldiers of the Devil use flesh and blood.

C. Our enemy awaits us. Paul commands us the second time, “put on God’s spiritual armor” in 6:13. Because the devil is planning your fall into sin.

3. By Putting on the Spiritual Armor of God (Ephesians 6:14-17)

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. What are some carnal or fleshly weapons we use against flesh and blood or people we don’t like? Flesh and blood warfare include gossip, character attacks, and rebellion. These flesh and blood people will only defeat us if we allow our greater enemy to use them. We don't battle them with carnal or fleshly weapons.

The important question is, “What are our spiritual weapons to fight our spiritual enemy who uses flesh and blood?”

A. Practice truth “the belt of truth”

Paul is in prison chained to a Roman soldier (6:20). Paul makes spiritual application of guard’s armor. Roman soldiers wore tunics or outer garments, which had to be tucked into their belt or in hand-to-hand combat, the enemy could easily grab him.

It is like NFL football running backs. What do they wear in a game? Bathrobes? No! Tight-fitting jerseys.

Satan is the father of lies and also the father of liars. “All liars shall have their part in the Lake of Fire” according to Revelation 21:8. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus said, “Thy Word is truth.” If you practice lying, or any sin you are not equipped for battle.

B. Confess sin “having on the breastplate of righteousness”

The Roman soldier also wore woven chain interlinked rings of metal to protect their most vulnerable vital organs. The breastplate was called “the heart protector.” But what would happen in battle if there were a clink in the armor? The dagger of the opponent could stab through. Sin causes clinks in our personal righteousness. Unconfessed sin causes us to be vulnerable to attacks. Unconfessed sin will defeat us.

Confession repairs our armor. Memorize and daily use 1 John 1:9: “If we confess our sin, he (God) is faithful to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

C. Make peace with God “feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.”

Roman infantry wore thick-soled sandals studded with hobnails. With these football-like cleats, they could stand against opponents.

Christian soldiers have prepared before battle by receiving the gospel that gives us peace with God. That is why Paul said feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.

I grew up in church. I was a member of the youth group. I had been baptized twice. I had made two professions of faith. But the next day after each profession I was not changed. I woke up the same person. But when I was 18 years old I went to revival services and heard the gospel and was under conviction and on the last night I got saved.

D. Keep confidence in God together “Above all, taking the shield of faith”

These were door shields about 2 feet wide and 4 ½ feet tall that interlocked with each other to form a front line united front to the enemy. The second line would put the door shield over their heads and the heads of the front line. This made them almost invincible to the fiery arrows of the enemy.

You need to interlock with godly friends who believe so when you go back to the front lines and trenches you will have a fellow soldier by your side.  Don’t be unequally yoked together with unbelievers or weak believers. Some of you struggle with having the right kind of friends. Be the kind of Christian you want as friends and you will attack them. That is what Proverbs 27:19 teaches.

E. Fill your mind with His Word in your quiet time “take the helmet of salvation”

The helmet protected the head. The Roman helmet was made of solid metal lined with leather and cloth. This was to protect the soldier from the two handed broadsword the cavalry wielded who intended on splitting the skulls of their enemy.

You must protect your mind with the Word of God. You must continue to read, memorize, and mediate on God’s Word. Will you do it for the glory of God and your spiritual growth? Instead of watching the wrong kind of TV and movies or listening to lyrics that tear down your faith, read God’s Word.

F. Keep under the preached Word “and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God” the spoken Word of God.

You must get into church and under the sound preaching of God’s Word. If you go back home and lay out of church you are doomed. You will be like a soldier in the heat of hand-to-hand combat with no weapon.

You can stand against the Devil by Depending on God’s Strength, Knowing your Enemy: He is a liar, Putting on God’s spiritual equipment.