The Sinlessness of Christ

Bruce Ware in his book Bruce A. Ware, The Man Christ Jesus: Theological Questions on the Humanity of Christ (Wheaton: Crossway, 2013) teaches the impeccability of Christ, i.e., that Christ in His humanity could not have sinned because of His deity. Bruce A. Ware says Christ could not sin because His divine nature dominated His human nature but Christ did not sin in His humanity totally depended on the Word, the Holy Spirit, and His Father. This is a departure from the way the impeccability has been defended in the past. Before we examine this new defense of Christ’s inability to sin, let’s ask, “What has this theological debate have to do with my struggle with my particular nagging sin?” I mean, you might be saying, “Just yesterday, I lost again the battle with this sin. Today, I am guilt ridden. I need help not a theological discussion of whether Jesus was peccable or impeccable.” Good point. Let’s back up and get a running start on this problem and make it personal.

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