The Crucifixion of Christ, Part One

The Gospels give us the historical fact of Christ’s crucifixion. The Epistles explain the theological signification of His death. Wiersbe succinctly put it this way: “History states that ‘Christ died,’ but theology explains, ‘Christ died for our sins’ (1 Cor. 15:3).”

For example, in Philippians 2:8, Paul referred to the shame, the reproach of crucifixion when he said that Christ “humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross.”

Crucifixion was the torturous execution of a person by fixation to a cross. Alexander the Great introduced Crucifixion to the Mediterranean world. Although first practiced by the Persians, crucifixion was perfected by the Romans as the most degrading form of execution. No Roman citizen could be crucified, only murderers, thieves, rapists and the scum of the earth.

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