The Six Marks of Leadership, Mark Three, “The Leader Follows His Leaders” (Nehemiah 2:1-8)

We all have seen Canada Geese fly in their V formation with one leg of the V formation longer than the other leg. Why do they fly in the V formation? The lead goose is making it easier for the other geese who are following his lead. He is moving the wind resistance of the other geese following him. The rest are cruising. But after awhile the lead goose gets tired and the next goose moves up. Engineers in the wind tunnel experiments have discovered that geese flying in the V formation can fly 72% further than by themselves flying alone. Geese flying in the V formation illustrate the necessity and advantages of practicing both leadership and followship.

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Leadership in Nehemiah

On the front of one church bulletin always reads, “Ministers: The entire congregation Pastor: Rev David L. Buttry.”

Rick Warren in his Purpose Driven Church advocates, “No ministry, no membership.”

Every believer is a minister or servant of God who should be serving God and exerting influence on others through his/her local church. Leadership is one person influencing positively another person. Christian leadership is one believer spiritually impacting others for God’s glory.

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