The Future Coming of Christ will be like the Past Flood`

What do you think is the most important sign that indicates Jesus is coming back? Wars and rumors of wars? Earthquakes? The love of many waxing worse and worse? Jesus in his end time sermon compared his future coming to the past flood. Jesus is referring to his second coming at the end of the Tribulation in Matthew 24:37-39. Jesus prophesied the sinful people before his coming would replicate the sinful people before the coming judgment of the flood who were “marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark.” In Genesis six, the godly were specifically marrying the ungodly before the flood. Being unequally yoked in marriage with unbelievers led to the Genesis flood in Genesis 6-8. Jesus warned his and our generation “to be ready” for the coming of Christ and his judgment just like the generation before the flood needed to be ready. Are you ready for the coming of Christ? Do you know Christ as your Savior? Jesus instructed us to learn from the generation that experienced the flood.

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Is Intelligent Design an Apologetic Argument?

1. What are the strengths of the Intelligent Design Arguments/Movement?

Douglas Groothuis wrties that ID “opens a door for Christian apologetics that would otherwise be closed” (Christian Apologetics, 268). The argument of irreducible complexity seen in the human eye, the flagellum, and DNA irrefutably show intelligent design. Of course, materialistic evolutionists reject this evidence with counterarguments. Groothuis concludes that ID should take its rightful place in the overall circle of evidence. Standing alone, it cannot provide a full apologetic for Christianity.

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