The Doctrine of Justification defends Penal Substitution (Part eight)

Despite all sinners falling short of God’s glory, the sinner can be “justified” in Romans 3:24 or declared righteous. Justification in Romans means to declared righteous not to make righteous. This legal or forensic meaning is found in Deuteronomy 25:1. In this courtroom scene,[1] the guilty were to be declared guilty and the innocent were justified or declared righteous.

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Twenty-five Advanced Soteriological Questions

Question fifteen: Is salvation instantaneous or a process?

The word “salvation” comes from a Greek soteria which means deliverance, primarily spiritual deliverance. This salvation or spiritual deliverance has three tenses. We have been delivered from the condemnation of sin, we are being delivered from the control of sin, and we shall be delivered from the very circumstances of sin. I got tired of the p’s (penalty, power, and presence).

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