Review of Two Sides of the Counseling Coin by Heath Lambert

Heath Lambert gives this analogy: Explaining the difference between nouthetic counseling and biblical counseling is a bit like asking whether a coin is heads or tails. A coin is both heads and tails. In talking about the heads side or the tails side of the coin, we are merely emphasizing different surfaces of one thing.

On October 8, 2012, Heath Lambert former executive director of ACBC (Association of Certified Biblical Counselors) formerly NANC (National Association of Nouthetic Counselors) now professor of counseling at SBTC contrasted and compared Nouthetic and Biblical Counseling at The Gospel Coalition.

The critics (click to open) of these two biblical models say the only difference is the spelling. But, Lambert will show there are major similarities and differences.

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Biblical verses Non-biblical Models of Counseling

Whether the counselor believes the counselee is made in the image of God determines which model counselors use.

Psychology is “the study of the soul” and Psychotherapy is “soul healing” (psyche=soul and therapeuo=to heal) and yet one study reported statistics showing academic psychologists to be among the least religious group of scholars, with 50% reporting no religious preference. Secular Psychology denies the soul in its view of human nature.

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