What is saving faith?

In 1505, Martin Luther (1483-1546) was traveling by foot when he was struck to the ground by lightning. He cried out, “Save me, St. Anne, I will become a monk.” Luther ended his training as a lawyer and became a monk in Erfurt. He slept on a steel cot to merit salvation by works. He confessed his sins to his priest for three and four hours every day. He would get his absolution only on the way back to remember a sin he forgot to confess and would fall back into despair.

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The Love Song of all Love Songs

I was listening to The Dave Ramsey Show on Radio one evening while driving and he said what I had heard before that 50% of all marriages don’t make it. But here is the good news, that percentage could be raised to 90% with the following seven changes. I am recalling these from memory since I was driving, so they may not be word for word as Dave listed them.

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